Local Rules
Revised by Blacklion Golf Committee for season 2024
A Outside the boundaries of the course.
B The clubhouse enclosure and the car park – beyond the line of white stakes on right of 9th/ 18th fairway. The white stakes are immovable along with the chain. (1 stroke penalty for touching)
C To the right of the white stakes when playing the 5th / 14th hole. The stakes are positioned from the tee-box to the 6th / 15th tee.
Red stakes are found behind the 1st green, along the 2nd/11th from the corner to the right of the hole, around to the back of the hole, to the right side of the 3rd/12th holes and to the right of the 4th / 13th green.
If you believe your ball has gone to the right of the red stakes on these holes you should proceed to where you believe the ball entered the hazard and mark that spot. From this position you should drop a ball no further than 2 club lengths away and not nearer the hole. (under 1 stroke penalty)
Trees that are staked are treated as no play zones. If a player’s ball is in the vicinity of such a tree and it interferes with the player’s stance or area of intended swing the player must take free relief.
A. A ball coming to rest on any green other than the one in play must be lifted and dropped clear, not nearer the hole.
B. A ball coming to rest on drain/ sump hole (including those grass covered) may be lifted and dropped within one club length from the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole, without penalty.
C.. A ball coming to rest on paths or roadways, whether stoned or grass covered, may be lifted and dropped within one club length from the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole, without penalty (Rule 24-2b.1)
D. All man-made constructions are immovable (walls, steps, sleepers) obstructions. Relief under penalty.
There is no relief from Tractor tracks unless the area in which the marks are found have been designated for relief.
An embedded ball may be lifted, cleaned and dropped, not nearer the hole, without penalty within the "General Play Area" (Rule16.3a)
Players not holding their place on the course should allow other players to pass through. (Search time for a ball must be no longer than 3 minutes.) Players searching for a ball should allow other players coming up to pass them and should not continue play until they are out of reach.
Note: Four players are the maximum allowed to play in any match
To speed up play the Competition Committee may designate the PAR THREES as CALL THROUGH holes. Please check the club notice boards/ competition entry book for details.
All players must repair plug marks on greens and divots both on fairways and in the rough.
A The Captain, Lady Captain and President have priority on the course at all times.
B Players on the 1st / 10th tees have priority over those approaching the 9th / 18th green
C Players playing the 3rd hole have priority over those playing the 12th hole
Members may introduce only one green fee payer with him/her at reduced green fees per day.
To enter a club competition a player must ensure that his/her name has been entered in the competition book and by way of touchscreen in the Caddyshack / or by his/her phone app. The appropriate entry fee should be posted through slot in the Caddyshack if it has not been paid when tees have been booked . Players who wish to pay competition fees from their e-purse should write the letters “pp” beside their name in the competition book
On completion of their round competitors must return their score via terminal or app. All cards must be posted.
New members wishing to receive a handicap, must return three completed scorecards. Members may return scorecards completed on any affiliated golf course. The scorecard must be marked and signed by a full club member of a golf course who holds an official playing handicap.
Players are requested to ensure that mobile phones are switched off while playing the course.
On completion of a round of golf a player should check his/her score for each hole. He/she should ensure that the marker has signed his/her card and that he/she has signed the card. He/she must also have his/her current handicap index recorded. (Penalty for breach - disqualification)
All scorecards must be returned to the Competition Committee (including General Play Scorecards where golfers have signalled their intention to play a general play round)
The Competition Committee reserves the right to suspend the handicap of any player who on completion of a round does not enter their score hole by hole via app/touchscreen. The above rules also apply to incomplete scorecards.
Note: Penalties are being imposed by GOLFIRELAND
If a player considers his/her tee shot to be unplayable (doesn’t carry and drops in the water) he/she should proceed to the forward dropping zone. If his/her ball carries the water at the front and drops into the water to the side or behind the green, this hole is red staked and therefore his/her ball can be dropped where it entered the hazard (1 stroke penalty).
If a player considers his/her ball to be lost or unplayable at any point, he/she should immediately put a provisional ball in play and continue. Then apply Rule 20.5.
A ball is “lost” if it is not found or identified as his/hers by the player within three minutes after the player and his or her companions have begun to search for it.
In singles competitions that are played on more than one day the COMMITTEE may decide that the teeing grounds and the holes be differently situated on each day of the competition, provided that, on any one day, all competitors play with each hole and teeing ground in the same position (Rule 33-2b).
NEW MEMBERS - (Restricted)
New members are not eligible to win a major competition until they have 20 scores recorded in their Handicap Scoring History (Golf Ireland).
For any questions and queries, address them to the Competition Secretary and the committee in general.